Researchers don’t fully understand how acupuncture might work, but there are numerous theories. One theory is that acupuncture works by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals.Acupuncture is also said to influence the autonomic nervous system (which controls bodily functions) and the release of chemicals that regulate blood flow and pressure, reduce inflammation, and calm the brain.
Acupuncture is the most commonly known aspect of Chinese Medicine in the western world. It is integral part of a medicine dating back three thousand years, and yet remarkably it is still widely practiced, growing in popularity, and continuously evolving today. Acupuncture does not add any medicine to the body, but rather it aids the body’s amazing natural ability to heal and regenerate itself. Extremely thin needles are used to stimulate a combination of precisely selected acupuncture points by a trained professional to open energetic blockages, promote blood flow, strengthen weak areas, and sedate overly active areas of the body. The powerful affects are observed everyday treating ailments including emotional imbalances, digestive problems, internal organ health, common colds, skin issues, orthopedic problems including sports injury recovery, fertility concerns, sleeping troubles, addiction, menstrual irregularities, and much more.
Acupuncture and The Autonomic Nervous System
When thinking about acupuncture from a western perspective it is helpful to discuss the autonomic nervous system. It is important to understand that this in no way explains the entirety of the vast therapeutic mechanisms of acupuncture. However, it is one aspect of acupuncture that western medicine can readily understand without requiring a deep dive into Chinese medical theory and for that it is a valuable discussion.
Our autonomic nervous system (ANS) has two main divisions, sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic is known as the “fight or flight” state while the parasympathetic is referred to as the “rest and digest” state. Both systems are important, but in modern society we tend to spend far too much time in a sympathetic state. This is due to the constant stressors of work, traffic/commuting, bills, social pressures, emotional taxing twenty-four hour news cycles, and so on which have increased in recent times at rates far beyond what our evolutionary abilities can keep up with.Acupuncture excels at bringing the body out of this sympathetic state and into a parasympathetic one where self healing most readily happens. In a parasympathetic state the body’s immune system can more effectively fight off bacterias, viruses, and cancer cells. Also, the body can better regenerate at the cellular level to recover from injury both external and internal. Furthermore, emotions can move more freely and are more readily processed in a healthy manner. All of which contribute to the body’s ability to heal itself before series illness can arise.
Wellness depends on the proper balance and flow of Qi, Blood, Yin, and Yang. The Asian medicine practice of acupuncture, dating back thousands of years, allows the body to rebalance these properties and restore healthy flow. The insertion of hair thin needles into specific points along meridians on the body removes blockages, balances energy, stimulates healing, and promotes deep relaxation. This facilitates the body’s ability to efficiently heal itself and return the mind to center.
Acupuncture works with your autonomic nervous system, which controls bodily functions, and affects neurotransmitters, which regulate sleep, mood, blood flow and pressure, as well as reduce inflammation, and ease pain. This helps your mind and body enter the “rest and digest” phase, the optimal space for healing.
Conveniently located on 5th Avenue in New York City near Union Square Park and centrally located within blocks of Madison Square, Washington Square, Stuyvesant Square and Gramercy Park.
Sessions available by appointment only.